FAITH | THE NEW ALBUM | OUT NOW | Ladies and gents, FAITH is out now. I feel proud and I feel happy. Today is a day I really wasn’t sure would come. The early days of making this album were tumultuous and terrifying. Personally, it was one of the darkest, most difficult periods of my life. I couldn’t focus, I couldn’t function and I could barely feel. I didn’t know if there would even be another album. But time moved on, things got easier and slowly I found my way back towards music. Eventually finding great solace and catharsis in it. As I always do. When we started making the album, we knew we wanted to give it everything. We decided to confront our demons, excavate the pain and show you it all. It was difficult, at times impossible, but once it started to come together, we felt like nothing could stop us. We knew we were making something special. Something we were going to be immensely proud of. I genuinely believe that this album is some of the best music we’ve ever made. I’m so proud of us. The fact that we’ve been able to get to this point is really all down to you. Everyone who has supported us along the way, stood by us and encouraged us. The faith you’ve shown in us. We wouldn’t have been able to get here without the journey of the last 10 years. For that I’m eternally grateful. FAITH is a collection of songs written during a personal crisis which is being released into a world in crisis. They are songs about isolation, desperation, pain, doubt, sadness and of course, faith. Songs that sing from the DNA of who we are. Every moment you hear was handled with the utmost care and attention. We’ve lived with and loved these songs for the last 18 months but now they’re yours. I hope you can find comfort and shelter in them like I did. Thank you all for everything. I love you. Tx🖤

Теги: music new album FAITH

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